October 10 has been designated as World Mental Health Day by World Health Organisation (WHO). In 2012, to mark World Mental Health Day, WHO in collaboration with writer and illustrator Matthew Johnstone tells the story of overcoming the "black dog of depression". More information on the book can be found here: http://matthewjohnstone.com.au/.

While I did not like the negative association with a dog, it was remarkable in explaining this black cloud that hangs over us in our lives. Sometimes this big, bad shadow can become over powering and push us into a hole.
Mental health disorders are the bugbear of so many problems and unfortunately inspite of the increase in medical facilities and services, this issue never really gets it's worth. Considered as a minor aberration, we would love to sweep it under the carpet. The problem is we know it is there...and we think we seem to be the ONLY one who knows and the pressure to hide this creates more pressure.
And do you know..everybody has their own Black Dog. So there is no need to hide it.

It is not going to be alright on it's own. It is not going to go away on it's own. It will grow into this huge hole which will suck everything out of you. You will feel helpless.. but YOU ARE NOT.. though you do not know it yet... The moment you understand this is the moment you have to decide to want a better life for yourself. YOU DESERVE IT. Everyone deserves to enjoy their time on this little globe of ours. We are here and we will not give it away without a fight. You alone have to embrace this Black Dog. Love it so well that it will no longer want to be bigger than you. It will always be with you as a reminder of the victory you had over it. You cannot do this alone.
Ask for help. Talk to a friend. Take a break from your regular life. Do something new. Give back to Society which gave you this Black Dog. The Black Dog is going to be the reason you will be happier than before. Look him in the eye and tell him that he is the stepping stone to your future better life. He has come to teach you a lesson but you will be the student that has to better the master. The Obstacle is the Way.
This awareness video is truly addressing the elephant in the room. If you can see it for what is and not give it the power to rule your mind, it can be overcome. Do not give in. Someone, somewhere needs you more than you.

Please spare a few moments to watch the video on YouTube ..... you never know whom you might be able to help get rid of the black dog. You just might make that all so important difference in someone's life.