Graphology has tremendous scope for self-improvement and self-development. Before we read the world, we have to read and know ourselves.
There are multiple parts of us that we haven’t yet seen or accepted completely. We bear multiple talents and natural abilities, which if channelized well could do us wonders.
Have you identified such hidden & unexplored traits in yourself that you wish to unleash? Do your fears and anxieties hold you back in doing so? Is your heart, mind & body in alignment with the work you are doing or the career path you have chosen? Do you wish for more harmony in your relationships? Are you content and happy with yourself and your life?
The ability to see beneath the veneer of the masks we put on for society helps us in realising our true self - the self we have lost touch with. The moment this realisation seeps in, we are on our path to self-discovery and development. We can take steps to convert our obstacles into stepping stones. We can take steps to strengthen our innate gifts. We can monitor our own growth through our personal lie-detector- our handwriting.
All we need is the willingness to change our lives. We can identify and make changes to our handwriting suitable to the changes we want in ourselves and in our lives.
Graphotherapy is the use of this Science to modify the handwriting to begin healing. It is a sort of reversal of the thought processes which lead to the process of the disease. Ancient wisdom has shown that our breathing patterns get affected by the emotions we feel. Breathing exercises have been developed which can help in controlling the emotional self. Similarly, if changes in our mind patterns lead to changes in our handwriting, wouldn’t a conscious change in our handwriting lead to a transformation of our mind? The brain is a muscle and the more we exercise it correctly, the better will our journey be.
Through handwriting analysis we can quickly discover the needs, expectations and nature of the people we interact with. We understand them at a deeper level and therefore we would approach them differently, leading to more harmony in our relationships.
We can gauge our compatibility with our life partner or our friends and colleagues and therefore synchronise ourselves to create less friction. Even one person with this awareness in a home or in a friend circle or in a corporate environment can bring about major changes.
To quote a song from one of my favourite movies, “The King & I”
Getting to know you
Getting to feel free and easy, When I am with you
Getting to know what to say
Haven't you noticed
Suddenly, I'm bright and breezy?
Because of all the beautiful and new
Things I'm learning about you......Day by Day.
This world can be a better place to live in
If only we could all use Graphology to understand each other better.